YouTube などにアップされているChIP-seq解析のムービーを集めてみました。あまりないですね。僕は以下のツールはひとつも使っていないですが、ムービーを見る限り、最近のGUIのツールはよくできている印象を受けました。NGS解析怖くない!
まあ、 を使ってみたかっただけというのが本当のところですw
まあ、 を使ってみたかっただけというのが本当のところですw
DNASTAR- ChIP-Seq Workflow DNASTAR's ChIP-Seq software allows users to quickly and easily identify transcription factor binding sites. The software enables users to ...
GenomeQuest - ChIP-Seq Workflow This video is an overview of the GenomeQuest ChIP-Seq Workflow. This solution provides state-of-the-art tools across the entire workflow ...
Simple ChIP-Seq Analysis with SeqMonk This video shows the process of doing a simple analysis of a single ChIP-Seq dataset. It goes through the process of identifying and quantitating ...
SeqMonk initial setup This video shows the process of setting up a new installation of SeqMonk for the first time. ... SeqMonk configuration ...
Visualizing and Analysing ChIP-Seq Data with Subio Platform Importing ChIP-Seq data based on Illumina's next generation sequencing technology intoSubio Platform. It is a free, technology-independent ...
Extracting genes or probes by genomic location with Subio Platform and Basic Plug-in data (expression microarray, CGH array, chIP-chip, methylation array, exon array, chIP-Seq, RNA-Seq, CHG-Seq, etc.) You can see it more clearly ...
How to Import Location Based Samples. Subio Platfrom accepts location based data like ChIP-seq or RNA-seq. ... Subio microarray analysis software ChIP-seq RNA-seq genome ...